Cataract Topic Index

Looking for information related to cataracts and cataract surgery? Better Vision Guide features an array of cataract news and information. View our complete list of cataract topics below:
Has your vision become cloudy? It could be the sign of a cataract. Causes, symptoms and treatment guide.
Cataract Surgery
Evaluate the different types of cataract surgery, and weigh their benefits and candidacy.
Laser Cataract Surgery
How does laser cataract surgery compare with traditional cataract surgery? Evaluate the precision and reliability of this laser-assisted procedure.
Cataract Surgery Recovery
Understand the cataract surgery recovery process from immediately after surgery to follow-up appointments.
Cataract Surgery Cost
What factors influence the cost of cataract surgery, and how can insurance help to offset this cost?
How to Choose a Cataract Surgeon
Once you’ve decided to have cataract surgery, the next step is selecting a surgeon. Here are a number of factors to consider when choosing a cataract surgeon.
Cataract Surgery after LASIK
Dr. Evans looks into the common question of whether you can have cataract surgery if you’ve previously had LASIK.
Driving after Cataract Surgery
The cataract surgery recovery process varies from patient to patient, but one of the most common considerations relates to when you can drive again after surgery.
Monofocal vs. Multifocal IOLs
Cataract surgery patients have options when it comes to intraocular lenses (IOLs). Compare monofocal and multifocal IOLs.
Multifocal IOLs
Multifocal IOLs after cataract surgery. What types are available, and how do they compare with the alternatives?
Multifocal Symfony Lens
How the multifocal Symfony intraocular lens is helping to reshape vision after cataract surgery.
Accommodating IOLs
Improve your near vision while also improving your distance vision with an accommodating IOL.
The Demand of Accommodating IOLs
Accommodating IOLs are gaining in popularity. To accommodate the demand, several new IOLs are working their way through the approval process.
A New Approach to Cataract Surgery
Is it better to wait to perform cataract surgery on the second eye, or have the surgeries performed closer together?
Can Cataract Surgery Help you Live Longer?
Cataract surgery has many benefits, but you might be surprised to learn that living a longer, fuller life is one of them.
The Truth About Cataracts – 8 Facts
If you’re considering cataract surgery, check out these helpful slideshow featuring eight facts you should know about cataracts.
Congenital Cataracts
Did you know that you could actually be born with cataracts? Understanding congenital cataracts and how best to treat them.
The Future of Cataract Treatment
An innovative new strategy for treating congenital cataracts could have a broader application that changes the way we think about cataract treatment.
Stem Cell Cataract Treatment
Could stem cells help to regrow a lens naturally instead of inserting an artificial IOL after cataract surgery?
Find a Surgeon
Ready to schedule a cataract surgery consultation? Check out our directory of cataract surgeons near you.
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