How Much Does Cataract Surgery Cost?
Medically Reviewed by: Dr. Mark R. Mandel

The average out-of-pocket cost of cataract surgery is $4,131 per eye, based on most recent estimates (updated August 2023). The cost estimate reflects a standard cataract surgery procedure not covered by private insurance or Medicare, both of which could offset the out-of-pocket expense significantly. However, depending on the exact type of treatment received, the location in which it is received, and the provider performing the surgery, this per eye cost could increase substantially. Standard cataract surgery in the United States may cost $3,500 to $7,000 per eye.
Most cataract patients in the U.S. are over 65 years old and are therefore covered under Medicare. Those who aren’t eligible for Medicare but still require surgery, typically have some sort of private insurance coverage, the extent of which varies from plan to plan. Medicare may cover upwards of 80% of the treatment cost. (Consult our example pricing guide below to get a better sense of price variance.)
The cost of cataract surgery can also be influenced by which technologies and techniques are used. Laser-assisted surgery is becoming a popular alternative treatment method and can cost an additional $1,000 or more per eye.
Choosing an IOL
The type of lens implant (IOL) chosen also influences the cost. There are two basic categories of premium IOLs: toric IOLs to correct astigmatism and refractive IOLs (Crystalens, ReSTOR, ReZoom, Tecnis, Symfony) to correct presbyopia. The additional cost of cataract surgery with toric IOLs adds $900 to $1,500 to the total. Refractive IOLs are even more expensive, costing $1,995 to $2,500 per lens.
These high-tech lenses are different than the standard monofocal IOL used in basic cataract surgery, which corrects vision for only one distance, and does not correct astigmatism. Premium IOLs can improve distance, intermediate, and near vision.
What Factors Impact Cost?
The exact cost of treatment may differ substantially based on a variety of factors, including:
- The part of the country where the surgery is performed
- Whether the surgery is conducted in an out-patient surgery center or hospital
- The skill, reputation and experience of the surgeon
- The type of IOL you select
- Whether or not a laser is used
- Pre- and post-operative visits
- Post-operative medications
- Pre and post-operative testing
These factors can impact the on-paper cost of treatment, but the biggest factor impacting your true cost is the type of insurance coverage you have.
Private Insurance Coverage & Medicare
Since cataract surgery is considered a medically necessary procedure, the cost of cataract surgery is largely covered by private insurance or Medicare, the latter of which covers most patients. Medicare is a U.S. federal health insurance program designated for people 65 and older or those living with a disability. Although Medicare Part A is free for most people, Part B has a monthly premium ($164.90 or higher). Cataract surgery is typically an out-patient procedure, meaning that you have the surgery in a hospital or doctor’s office, then go home the same day. As such, it falls under Medicare Part B, which includes outpatient procedures and associated expenses that are deemed medically necessary, such as pre-surgery appointments, monofocal intraocular lens implants (IOLs), and post-surgery outpatient services.
Though Medicare and private insurance generally cover standard cataract surgery with monofocal implants, they do not cover the additional cost of refractive cataract surgery, which includes a premium IOL and/or a laser. Medicare covers approximately 80% of the cost associated with standard cataract surgery, leaving the patient responsible for the remaining 20% after the deductible is met (the 2023 deductible for Medicare Part B is $226).
Patients may consider purchasing a “Medigap” policy with a private health insurance provider for supplemental coverage for cataract surgery expenses not covered by Medicare. These gap policies may pay the additional costs of premium cataract eye surgery with advanced IOLs.
To provide an example of what the cost breakdown might be for someone getting standard cataract surgery covered by Medicare, consult the table below. (Please note that this is merely an estimate; your exact amount will vary depending on many factors.)
Standard Cataract Surgery | Medicare Coverage | Out-of-Pocket | Deductible | Total Cost to Patient |
$4,131 | $3,304.80 | $826.20 | $226 | $1,052.20 |
For standard surgery, Medicare covers:
- The removal of the cataract
- Basic (monofocal) lens implants
- One set of prescription eyeglasses or one set of contact lenses after the surgery
If premium IOLs are desired to significantly reduce dependence on glasses and contacts, then the patient will have to cover the difference. For example, if the patient referenced in the above cost breakdown wanted to have surgery with a premium toric IOL to correct astigmatism, he or she would be responsible for the $1,052.20 + $1,500 ($2,552.20), the average cost of a toric IOL. If the patient referenced above opted for a presbyopia-correcting premium IOL, the cost would be $1,052.20 + $2,500 ($3,552.20). If the patient also wanted laser cataract surgery, then add on another $1,000 or more.
Essentially, premium cataract surgery can nearly double or triple the potential out-of-pocket costs.
Closing the Gap with Medigap
If a premium option is desired but there is a concern about the out-of-pocket costs not covered by Medicare, then there is the option to buy a separate “Medigap” policy from a private insurance carrier. Medigap plans supplement Medicare coverage and help to offset the out-of-pocket cost of care. They function very much like traditional insurance policies, just on a much narrower scale. That means they have their own deductible that must be met before coverage kicks in.
Get a Consultation
The best way to determine what cataract surgery will cost you is to schedule a consultation with a surgeon to discuss treatment options. The surgeon’s staff will be able to provide you with a cost estimate for your unique considerations. You can also speak with your insurance carrier for more specifics about what your policy covers. Medicare patients can visit to learn more or contact the organization at 1-800-MEDICARE to speak with a representative.
Updated: August, 2023
About the Reviewer
Dr. Mark R. Mandel is a board-certified ophthalmologist who has performed more than 90,000 surgical procedures, including 60,000 LASIK surgeries. He is a cornea sub-specialist and LASIK surgeon well-trusted for his experience, expertise, surgical precision and integrity. Dr. Mandel has garnered a reputation as “the surgeon’s surgeon” because hundreds of eye doctors and other physicians have selected him to perform LASIK on themselves and their family members.
Dr. Mandel graduated with honors from Oxford University in England, where he earned both his Bachelor of Science and master’s degrees, and earned his medical degree from the University of California, Los Angeles School of Medicine. He has advanced training in corneal transplant surgery and external eye conditions, and currently teaches at the University of California, Berkeley, the University of California, San Francisco, and the California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco, in addition to leading the team at Optima Ophthalmic Medical Associates, Inc., where he performs LASIK, PRK, Epi-LASIK, refractive lens replacement procedures and more.